Tuesday, August 29, 2006

kadayawn 2006 (this is it)

august 17. thursday.

* kasamongan festival. an authentic IP festival featuring region XI pilot schools of the Institute of IP Education.
* lunch at Ahfat's with my mom and jan's family
* durian feasting in Magsaysay park
* dinner at MTS, with a showcase of mindanao tribal songs and dances. during the show, one caucasian child around three or four years old, went up the stage with his juice and sat and watched the performances from there. so cute! media people and members of the audience (me included) started snapping away at the little tyke. when he realized the frenzy, started smiling at the cameras. after a while, his big brother brought his dinner to the stage. talk about scene stealing. hehe!

august 18. friday. holiday.

* an entire day of being lazy, playing bookworm and finally reaching 1.18M points (broke it last sunday with 1.2M).
* blue roost. alumni homecoming for admu. wasn't interested in going but for the love of tatit, agreed to the 450.00 ticket. took consolation in eating bottomless tuna and native durian (yummmmm!) and peeled pomelo (no bitter taste of skin. yey!). avoided anything blue, with eagle or ateneo for an outfit.
* the sumpaicos arrive. things start going crazy! the quest for a place to stay. considering body fluids places, with see through bathrooms. asynchronized memories of a pool. the search for la carlota drumbeaters but was nowhere to be found.

august 19. saturday.

* level-up indak-indak. wherein last year, we were among the performers with lissa and ina grabbing their costumes and props for photo ops, we have risen a notch in the kadayawan tourist ladder. air-conditioned rooms at marco polo which provided a perfect view of the performances.

this is where kriscel, kang, jerry and ava, tq, nikki, the volunteers start joining in the fun.

with our fannies comfortably situated at the carpetted floors, our running commentary of the show would have given the local kapuso and kapamilya networkds a run for their money. would they have thought up of virginity hats? or of silver gay child transforming into a golden gay man? or orgying chickens and useless chicken crests? or dolphins, turtles and children dying because of lost balloons? na-ah! i don't think so!!!

* the usual indak-indak. with the sun a little lower in the horizon, we dragged our butts out of the sumpaicos oh-so comfortable room to be amongst the poor mortals dancing for the pleasure of us demi-gods. pictures with the virginity umbrella, the drag aswang and heck, even the TF-Davao motorcycles and jeep. that's a true-blue kadayawan tourist for you!

* while the rest of the troop, plodded through the crowd to get to penong's, i went home to wait for jan to get my sister. yey! sis is here. though the rejoicing may have been prematurely, as i always end up being her personal assistant (translation: alalay) whenever we are together. tis okay though, i end up with free meals. i know, i'm cheap! so?

* up dharma down gig. go paul nino yap! ina has already gave an interesting account of the night (see previous entry for link). but missed out on some juicy bits of the night.

while the rest of davao were their usual behaved selves, us manileños were our usual embarassing selves, almost stealing the show from the bands. but toned down a bit when it was UDD's turn to play.

anyway, with the second bottle of tequila divided among five people, some are just bound to get drunk. while we were doing photo-ops of our (makikisama na lang ako) tipsy stupor, we didn't notice shiva slowly inching her way to the stage and finally holding on to the mic. don't worry, up dharma was already in the audience. the vocalist gamely let shiva sing one song with him (prinsesa), then proceeded to an original song when he realized that if he belts out a favorite, our girl wouldn't leave the stage. hehe!

and there were more interesting juicy stuff happening all around. it would have been a good idea for a melrose place episode. haha! but i'm not telling.

top tipsy people of the night: shiva and ninin. congratulations! inggit ako. :)

august 20. sunday.

* chema's. my mouth was running on pure adrenaline having slept little and woken abruptly by a sesame street alarm tone. gah. useless early rising though. we ended up leaving for the beach around 830. still ina and mike were witness to how my mouth was running on auto-pilot, i could barely catch up with what i was trying to say. didn't get to swim because i was too lazy to even put on sunblock.

* lunch started getting interesting with the conversations on mamoy. i'd give you a live demo if you ask me. hehe! "mamoy ka! di ka manok, di ka mamabao! mamoy ka." private joke so long story. "talaga bang mike juan at jerry jose?" "oo, kasi para yang mexican telenovela, carlos miguel, juan carlos..." corporate cocker. etc. etc. but nothing beats...

* itago na lang natin siya sa pangalang, "MR. GUERRERO." should i divulge more, his identity may be revealed. thus to avoid embarrassment... bits of advice na lang to him:

1) the resort is not your bathroom. wear appropriate outfit.
2) appropriate outfit is not shiny cycling shorts that shine in the sun and reveal a protruding gut. sabi nga sa ben na comics, "no trunks for men over sixty." figure out the corallary to that. mura lang ang board shorts sa surplus shop.
3) beso-beso is cheek-to-cheek. lips to cheek (with bits of saliva) are only tolerable for children under six.

that is all i can think of for now.

* ateneo won against up. we have broken the up beats ateneo at least once in a season.

* dinner at delongtes. no lato?! sacriligeous! anyway... revelation of the night, one of the girls is a smargnet. two, everybody had the same observation of the occurence during lunch time. thus the extended airplay for mr. guerrero.

* i left early. the people went off their own adventures.

august 21. monday. national holiday.

* had the intention of staying home to read JSA comics and play bookworm. but sister dragged me to SM. finally spent time with caryl again. she has been lost in action, having spent her own kadayawan with a friend. great gal, no fuss visitor. :)

* my super-ex girlfriend with caryl. fun movie.

* talaba joe's. my mom has no intention of coming back there. don't even want to remember because it scared the hell out of me.

* blugre for caryl to taste the famous durian larcepucinno. and yey! the camiñas give my mom banana cream pie. which i get to eat too!!!

* ate dances the night away at her fellowship night.

* last night together. :( see you next month na lang.

and that concludes kadayawan. pictures up next.


Unknown said...

Just wondering what your mom didnt like about talaba joe? Food there is perfect especially the baked talaba.

cross eyed bear said...

she fell down the steps. and hit herself on the table, plus scratched her knees. when you're 62, accidents like that could have major consequeces. so it wasn't the food, really.

Unknown said...

so sorry about that...hope all's well with her now. cheers!