Wednesday, August 02, 2006


monday night, tatit, jan and i were supposed to greet the coming of august first with wine and suman. except God might have wanted to show His love so much that the heavy downpour forced us to part ways and go to our respective homes.

running from the taxi to the house got me slightly drenched, but not minding it much.

after cleaning myself up, i proceeded to my bedroom. the clock has struck past twelve. happy birthday to me. 28 i am. in an attempt to face my new year right, i got the Bible Diary the office issued us and read the Gospel for the day. uh. good seed and bad seed. how about being a potentially good seed?

then i proceeded with my prayers. during my brief conversation to God, i had to admit to him that despite the rough roads (literally and figuratively) i have passed through, passing through and will pass through, the feeling of blessedness remains strong in me. mostly for the people who share the journey through those roads.

my family, who despite not entirely like me, love me all the same. and their love has been constant. it is my eternal gratitude to have had a complete family which has molded me into what i am. good and bad habits alike.

jan. who have tolerated and accepted who i am, flaws and beauty. and loved me with it. for the patience he has continually given me during moments i turn to the dark side. he continues to be the best gift God has granted me.

my friends. lhc. who shared with me my years of self-discovery. it was a time when we tried to figure out the whole world, when we theorized what life is to be. and now we are living it, my oldest friends! 12 years is no joke. despite living our growaing pains separately, there is always joy when we get together.

jvp. who are the people who understand what the best years of my life means. and it is with them i feel most like the child i know i am. because they let me be silly and corny and boy-crazy. and they enjoy me when i'm like that. i always feel the love with them:)

special mention to the davao gang (with rhia). it's been three years of our love and life stories with davao. davao has been kind and harsh and caring and mean in those three years.

for mindoro and pangantucan. my places of rebirth. it is there i know i can be anything and love like crazy. without fear of pain or hurt as long as you love.

and to my frisbee mates. who give me the chance to leave the troubles of the day behind when i revel in the rush of endorphins and detoxicate the negative vibes.

i could feel my heart burst with gratitude. i do not go hungry without choice. i have a shelter over my head. i have the chance to help others. i have good people around me at any given time. it is a blessed life.

crazy though. i should not have chosen to read DC comics Identity Crisis to sleep. one, it kept me awake as i could not let myself drift off without knowing whodunnit! two, it was a depressing read. superheroes losing loved ones? damn. its just too much of a downer. and finding out who did it... aaaaaaahhhhhh! too senseless for words.


it was one of my quietest birthdays ever. no fanfare with the gang. people have become engrossed with their own lives. shows we are getting older. or maybe love lives do get in the way of friends getting together sometimes. i am guilty of such when in manila, tee-hee.

the lunch at the office, though quite delayed, was great. the spag was yummy. the leche flan made giov almost forget his name. vanilla ice cream never fails to perk me up (thanks jan!). but what was more fun was most of the gang were around. :)

the afternoon was a bummer because i had to run an errand for my feverish mother and my big bro. lining up in the bank on a sweldo day is just no fun.

i was late for mass. didn't even get to hear the gospel. good thing i read it already. did see a couple of friends though who prized me with hugs.

then it was frisbee time. yey! i got to teach jan how to play and his backhand shows a lot of promise. am just glad to share some sport activity as i can not compete with him with basketball. first time to jog together too! never had a chance before.

plus, i got to have cake from the STD people. yey! i finally had cake. :) not to mention a free shower from BJ. who was kind enough to ask me if i had an extra shirt before doing so. very sensitive of him, i must say. hahaha! pyk and juan gave me a wash down as well.

and and and and! i got me own frisbee from tatit, ninin, jerry, mayette and rhia. thank you guys! love it love it love it. after dinner at MTS, jan je tat and i tried it out in the park for its christening.

it was christened all right, as it scraped through cement, hit trees and almost hit people. plus two kids who were cute at first but became bothersome at the end. thank God, they went home already.

at it has a name. doug. as in kramer. as in short for blogadoug! since the disc had the ateneo eagle printed on it, it had to be an eagle. but i couldn't name it jai or zion as i loved them so and i couldn't bear to see them hit trees or the ground. and doug was the only one that i could possibly indifferent to. plus frisbee can be a canine sport. so doug.

doug the frisbee. hehehe!

i hope this 28th year turns out to be a better one than the last. twice infinity. i wonder what that means!

cheers to the year ahead. may i be strong enough to face you.

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