Saturday, December 29, 2007


year in, year out... my favorite new year's wish remain to be neil gaiman's message for the new year of 2005.

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.

and so i reprise his message to all of you, my dear friends. there is nothing like true love and dreams coming true. though getting there comes close. ;p

* * * * *
with the many news and events of the tailend of 2007, 2008 does not only smell like change. it will all be about change. before 2007 began, i already had the feeling that it won't be my year. and i was right. but some time middle of the year, i could sense the winds blowing to a new direction. maybe because i will be 30 next year. or maybe it's just one of those five year phase that plagues people after they graduate for college.

i'm feeling positive, i'm feeling happy. 2008 is my year. and i already know it.

it's all about the positivity baby. ;p

1 comment:

BabyPink said...

Happy 2008, Anj! :)