Tuesday, January 09, 2007

flash report

over the last three weeks of last-minute work rush, christmas break and slow internet connection, interesting stories have piled up. i still want to tell them, but i have not the time to narrate things in depth. so let me just run through them using photos. a picture paints a thousand words daw e.

maybe when things are less tumultous and more relaxed, the entire story may just be told. ;p

only ordo could have thought of bringing astronaut ice cream for pasalubong from the states. cool! it's ice cream that has no water and which is not cold (the process can be read on the second photo). the taste was hard to identify at first, only to discover it was like creamy milk powder. which is what ice cream is in the first place, milk. i pointed out that it tasted familiar. it took a while to figure out until that eureka moment that i finally realized it was much like our local hee-haw milk candy found in sari-sari stores. try and look it up. it's in green blue pillow pack with a cartoon of a swiss cow on it.

Jan's sister was cleaning up her closet (not the Eminem way though) last December and stumbled upon this cute little creature. The bear was all the Camkids toy back in '87, and was at war with a stuffed frog who is now lost in oblivion. He has no name so I asked a little four-year old kid hanging around in the office to give him a name. And he was christened, uhm, Teddy Bear. Since he was to go to Mindanao, i just named him Tiddybr instead. Tiddybr now resides in my bedroom.

One of my greatest frustrations ever since I moved to Davao is fireworks. There isn't any there as it is against the law to even just have one lying around in your house. Duterte's Task Force Davao will come rushing to your hosue once they find out you bothered to light one.

Last December I tried to catch any of the regular pyrotechnic display all over the Metro, and even in Enchanted Kingdom. But I simply didn't get lucky. Before I left for Cebu, though, I caught an ad on the radio regarding the World Pyro Olympics which was to be held during my return to Manila. Whoopeeeee! And I caught it last Sunday. Instinctively, "wows!" kept escaping from my lips. How can you not love fireworks?! With fire flowers and fire hearts and fire willows and fire sperms (hehe!) and fire comets erupting in the air for 30 minutes every hour or so, the hundred bucks we paid was quite worth it. And I dare say, even the crushing throng of people was forgetten during the display.

I actually didn't have any plans to purchase a pair since I wasn't sure if I can actually take ultimate frisbee seriously. And having a pair of cleats means serious playing. During my first game of the year, when the rains fell hard before our game, the field ended up quite muddy. Which made it difficult for me to run around in my three-year old cross-trainers. Twice or thrice I kept on slipping and sliding, almost twisting my ankles. My mind kept telling me, "I think you need cleats." But I still needed to purchase my waterproof jacket for work, so I had to put that thought aside. Only to discover last Thursday that soles of my cross trainers are quite ready to smile to the world and fall off. Thus it was a debate between getting rubber shoes or cleats. Cleats cost less, but rubber shoes are more versatile. I have two other pairs of rubbers which unfortunately are not good enough for frisbee use. Still, it was not enough of a motivation.

Until Jan and I saw this tweety bird blazing yellow cleats (as tatit appropriately described) in Nike Stadium at Greenbelt 3! And though I don't like bright colors much, this one just caught me. I like Brazil as a soccer team, but not enough to really make me get an item. But the cleats are just SO YELLOW that I fell in love and had to try it. It's actually kids' size, which still fit me. And fit me wonderfully. Yey! Jan offered to sponsor the cleats, which will leave me with enough budget to get my long-sought waterproof jacket. Heeeheee.

I'm going to test in tonight in a Frisbee game with strangers who have been at the game far longer than I. Who cares if I embarass myself playing? I'm wearing YELLOW cleats!!! My only concern right now is I don't have jogging pants to match. Heeeheeeeh.

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