Saturday, August 12, 2006

random stuff

me gots me passport! awryty!

the reason for the rejoicing is a long story. a really, really long one. one that i am not in the mood to tell right now. heheh! basta...

the important thing is me gots me passport! awryty!

bummed knee and aching shoulders. from this week's ultiamate frisbee games. having the gall to choose drills with the competing team over the relatively light and easy lives of the newbies, i haven't been this physical since college. especially since punishment for bad throws and missed catches (is that an oxymoron?) is a push up. which i follow even if i can get away without having to do it. just because i actually find the pressure to throw and catch well kinda fun.

and boy am i loving the pain. sure i complain especially about the knee mainly because i have no idea if it would require me to stop playing a bit to give it a rest (which i don't want to do). but i love the pain. that pain that tells you you're doing things right. or at the least, trying to do things right. and the last two games have been feel good. just like after watching nanny mcphee or ken zhu's sky of love, or ten things i hate about you. knowing that people were doing the best they can to be better, yet still having fun with it. and the atmosphere has been relaxed, with lots of laughter and encouragement and friendly heckling.

make me jump, run, toss, catch, push up... just lemme play ultimate.

sayang, will be going back to field work after kadayawan. :(


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