Saturday, January 19, 2008


the filipino term for brotherhood.

so for those AI fans, you know what's coming. hehe!

oh, yeah! it's about the newest hit sensation *drumroll* -- fellow Pinoy, RENALDO LAPUZ!!!

AI fans would know who is. For those who are not able to follow, here is the the you tube video of why he might just be the next William Hung. Or bigger! Though I have to say, he has a much, much better voice than William Hung. And he does have some, uh, skills in song-writing. Or at least knows how to find a great hook. Looking for the lyrics? (as if you need to!) Found it here. But will re-post anyway. See the bottom of the entry.

But being a fan of another reality show, Stan Lee's Who Wants to be a Superhero?, I think he has better chances of winning that one. He already has a superb costume. That shining silver cape? Simply ingenious! He can already blind the enemies with his approach. Plus he gets a healthy does of Vitamin D, provided he wears sufficient sunblock.

What would his powers be, you ask? Isn't it obvious? Every time he sings, "We're Brothers Forever" the enemies will forget their evil deeds and start COMMUNITY SINGING! And they shall forever think of the virtues of brotherhood. Since the song is an earworm, they would keep singing and singing the song in their head or out loud, and would be unable to do any bad thing as long as they remember that song.

And what would his superhero name be? Like his power verse, it is simple and easy to recall -- RENALDO!

Imagine the crowd from below, shading their eyes from his cape... "Look, it's a bird! No, it's a plane. No! It's... RENALDO!"

Saya, di ba? Like his song. So here are the lyrics. ;p

"We're Brothers Forever."
Lyrics By: Renaldo Lapuz

I am your brother
Your best friend forever

Singing the songs, the music that you like.

We're brothers 'till the end of time

Together or not, you're always in my heart

Your hurt, your feelings in you will worry no more.

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