Monday, July 02, 2007

quizzy-quizzy and more maddy

i told jan one time that i think though my biological age is 28, i am really a teen-ager in real age. and oh, look. this confirms it. harhar!

anj --


Smells like teen spirit

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

and since i am a teena-ger at heart, let me plug once more my favorite pubescent blogger, maddy gaiman. who is still at it, blogging away at her father's site. taking over is more like it. tee-hee.

more maddy at do scoot over for some teen-age whimsy. she is such an adorable girl who will give her father a run for his money someday. and if i were neil, man, i'd be a real proud daddy to maddy.

woo-hoo! that rhymes! a literary breakthrough. woo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

Age is just a number, Anj! Once the gray hairs start popping up, then you can worry! =) Keep throwing the frisbee and you'll be young forever. LOL

cross eyed bear said...

indeed, indeed!

i'm peter pan with a disc. and there are days when i'm tinkerbell too. tee-hee!

go jc, go jc, go jc go!